I've always resisted trends. In high school I was a jeans & t-shirt girl. It cost too much to care about fashion, and I never liked trying to catch up with the next newest thing. I feel the same way about most technology: Learning how one computer program works doesn't mean I'll be prepared for the improved version that's bound to come along the very next day. I think that's why it's taken so long for me to try my hand at blogging. Because everyone was doing it served as my main reason not to. I could just as easily keep a journal on my own computer (pages and pages that have never been printed). And I could write my deepest thoughts in a notebook (if my hand didn't cramp up after ten minutes of distracted scribbling). I didn't need to share my life with the whole wide internet world (honestly, who would be interested anyway?).
But let's face it. Eventually, I always did buy at least one stylish outfit each season. And eventually, out of occupational necessity, I did finally master whatever computer program I'd shied from for so long. So eventually, I knew I would become a blogger. It's the perfect solution for a storyteller like me: I get to recount our daily adventures without unnecessarily boring anyone. I believe in keeping a record. So here goes: The ongoing account of Aaron & Shalene Pacini.
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